Congrats On Choosing Our Graphic Sling Licensing Deal!

Our third party payment processor will send you a copy of your receipt to your email address. If you paid by credit card, your statement will show a charge by *PAYPAL*.


You Are Now Joining The Ranks Of Leading Marketers As Exclusive License Holders With The Rights To Our Proven, Tried And Tested Businesses In The Graphics Market!

To get started quickly, please submit to us your following details.

IMPORTANT: To ensure the smooth set up, please be doubly sure that the details you submit to us are all correct. Your information is treated with utmost confidentially - however it is still advisable for you to change your passwords after the successful completion of the site setup.

Ultimate Licensing Installation Request

Q & A

Q: Do I need separate domain names? Can one do?

A: One domain name is enough. We host multiple products on the same domain too. 🙂 If you want to use separate domains, feel free to but just know that is a matter of preference. In our experience, this has no bearing on whether it affects your sale and impression.

Q: Am I hosting all the product files?

A: We will do the hosting of all the product files for  you on a file storage server, in the interest of time and efficiency. If you request for product files to be on your server, let us know in your special remarks.

Q: Will my name be on the sales page?

A: Yes, absolutely! But if you want a pen name written on the page, let us know in your special remarks.

Q: I am not sure how to go about supplying you the 'buy button' codes. Do I need to do this now? Can I do it later?

A: Not a problem. We can set up your website first. The buy button codes can be attended to afterwards.

Q: More about 'buy button' codes, I am not sure what to do really. How do I create a buy button, or what should I use?

A: Here are some choices you can follow:

- Or you can log into your Paypal account > go to "Merchant" tab and click on "Create Buy Button" to create your buy button.